Chapter: Prepositions in English Grammar
➥ A preposition is a word that shows the relationship between a noun (or pronoun) and other words in a sentence.
➥Prepositions are used to express various relationships such as time, place, direction, manner, and possession.
Some Prepositions and their usages:
1. IN (में) and INTO (के अंदर)
- IN (में): Indicates a position inside a space or area.
eg: She is in the room. (वह कमरे में है।)
- INTO (के अंदर): Indicates movement from outside to inside.
eg: She walked into the room. (वह कमरे के अंदर चली गई।)
2. ON (पर) and ONTO (पर)
- ON (पर): Indicates position upon a surface.
eg: The book is on the table. (पुस्तक मेज पर है।)
- ONTO (पर): Indicates movement towards a surface.
eg: He jumped onto the bed. (वह बिस्तर पर कूद गया।)
3. BESIDE (के बगल में) and BESIDES (के अलावा)
- BESIDE (के बगल में): Means "next to" or "by the side of."
eg: He sat beside me. (वह मेरे बगल में बैठा।)
- BESIDES (के अलावा): Means "in addition to" or "apart from."
eg: Besides studying, she loves to play the guitar. (पढ़ाई के अलावा, उसे गिटार बजाना पसंद है।)
4. OVER (ऊपर), ABOVE (ऊपर), and ON (पर)
- ON (पर): Indicates contact with a surface.
eg: The keys are on the table. (चाबी मेज पर है।)
- OVER (ऊपर): Indicates something directly above with or without contact.
eg: The fan is over the bed. (पंखा बिस्तर के ऊपर है।)
- ABOVE (ऊपर): Refers to a higher position without direct contact.
eg: The painting is hung above the door. (पेंटिंग दरवाजे के ऊपर लटकी है।)
5. UNDER (नीचे) and BELOW (नीचे)
- UNDER (नीचे): Indicates something directly beneath another object.
eg: The shoes are under the bed. (जूते बिस्तर के नीचे हैं।)
- BELOW (नीचे): Refers to a lower position, not necessarily directly beneath.
eg: The temperature dropped below zero. (तापमान शून्य से नीचे गिर गया।)
- Notes:
- Underneath: When something is hidden or covered. eg: The dead body is underneath the shroud.
- Beneath: To show the level. eg: A girl never marries anyone beneath her.
6. BETWEEN (के बीच) and AMONG (के बीच में)
- BETWEEN (के बीच): Refers to two entities or a distinct group.
eg: The agreement was made between the two companies. (समझौता दो कंपनियों के बीच हुआ।)
- AMONG (के बीच में): Refers to a larger group or more than two.
eg: She is well-liked among her peers. (वह अपने साथियों के बीच लोकप्रिय है।)
- Notes:
- Amid (के बीच में या के दौरान): Used more often in everyday language. eg: She felt calm amid all the noise. (शोर के बीच, वह शांत महसूस कर रही थी।)
- Amidst (के बीच में या घेर कर): More formal. eg: He stood amidst the crowd. (वह भीड़ के बीच खड़ा था।)
7. FOR (के लिए) and SINCE (से)
- FOR (के लिए): Indicates a duration of time.
eg: She has been studying for three hours. (वह तीन घंटे से पढ़ाई कर रही है।)
- SINCE (से): Refers to a specific point in time.
eg: She has been living here since 2010. (वह 2010 से यहां रह रही है।)
8. AT (पर) and IN (में)
- AT (पर):
- AT (Time): Refers to a specific point in time. eg: Meet me at 5 PM.
- AT (Place): Refers to a specific location. eg: She is at the park.
- AT (Activity): Indicates involvement in an activity. eg: He is good at singing.
- IN (में):
- IN (Time): Refers to a period or duration. eg: The results will come in an hour.
- IN (Shape/Color/Size): Indicates a characteristic or state. eg: The dress comes in red and blue.
- IN (Belief/Opinion/Feeling): Refers to a condition or state of mind. eg: She is in love with him.
9. ACROSS (के पार) and THROUGH (के अंदर)
- ACROSS (के पार): Refers to moving from one side of a space to the other.
eg: She swam across the river. (वह नदी के पार तैर गई।)
- THROUGH (के अंदर): Indicates movement within a space or from one end to the other.
eg: He walked through the forest. (वह जंगल में से चला।)
- ON-TIME: Refers to punctuality or at the scheduled time.
eg: The train arrived on time. (ट्रेन समय पर आई।)
- IN-TIME: Refers to being early enough or within a necessary timeframe.
eg: We reached the station in time to catch the train. (हम ट्रेन पकड़ने के लिए समय पर स्टेशन पहुंचे।)
- AT A TIME (एक समय में): Refers to one instance or moment.
eg: Please enter the hall one at a time. (कृपया हॉल में एक समय में प्रवेश करें।)
- AT TIMES (कभी-कभी): Means occasionally or sometimes.
eg: At times, he feels lonely. (कभी-कभी, उसे अकेलापन महसूस होता है।)
- IN THE END (अंत में): Refers to the conclusion of an event.
eg: In the end, we decided to stay home. (अंत में, हमने घर रहने का फैसला किया।)
- AT THE END (अंत में): Refers to the final part of something specific (e.g., a story, a road).
eg: At the end of the movie, everyone clapped. (फिल्म के अंत में, सभी ने ताली बजाई।)
- BEFORE: Indicates a point earlier in time or position.
eg (time): Finish your homework before dinner. (रात के खाने से पहले अपना होमवर्क खत्म करो.)eg (position): The teacher stood before the class. (अध्यक्ष कक्षा के सामने खड़ा था।)
14. IN (time, shape, color, size, belief, opinion, interest, feeling)
- IN (Time): Refers to a period.
eg: The results will come in an hour. (परिणाम एक घंटे में आएंगे।)
- IN (Shape/Color/Size): Indicates a characteristic or state.
eg: The dress comes in red and blue. (यह ड्रेस लाल और नीले रंग में आती है।)
- IN (Belief/Opinion/Feeling): Refers to a condition or state of mind.
eg: She is in love with him. (वह उससे प्यार करती है।)
15. BY (proximity, person, purpose, method)
- Proximity (निकटता): Indicates closeness.
eg: He stood by the window. (वह खिड़की के पास खड़ा था।)
- Person (व्यक्ति): Indicates an agent or doer.
eg: The book was written by Shakespeare. (यह किताब शेक्सपीयर द्वारा लिखी गई थी।)
- Purpose (उद्देश्य): For a specific reason.
eg: We are doing this by necessity. (हम इसे आवश्यकता के कारण कर रहे हैं।)
- Method (विधि): Refers to the way something is done.
eg: We travel by train. (हम ट्रेन से यात्रा करते हैं।)
16. WITH (together, having, feeling, agreement)
- Being Together/Involved (संगति का संकेत): Refers to company.
eg: I went to the mall with my friends. (मैं अपने दोस्तों के साथ मॉल गया।)
- Having (अधिकार का संकेत): Indicates possession.
eg: The room with the blue curtains is mine. (वह कमरा जिसमें नीली चादर है, मेरा है।)
- Feeling (भावना या स्थिति का संकेत): Refers to emotion or condition.
eg: He was trembling with fear. (वह डर के मारे कांप रहा था।)
- Agreement / Understanding (साझा विचार): Refers to shared opinion.
eg: I agree with her idea. (मैं उसके विचार से सहमत हूं।)
- NOW WITHSTANDING / IN SPITE OF (हालाँकि या इसके बावजूद): Means "even though" or "regardless of."
eg: In spite of the rain, we went for a walk. (बारिश के बावजूद, हम सैर करने गए।)
- DESPITE (बावजूद): Synonym for "in spite of."
eg: Despite his efforts, he failed. (उसके प्रयासों के बावजूद, वह असफल हो गया।)
18. TILL and UNTIL (जब तक)
- TILL: Informal and interchangeable with "until."
eg: Wait here till I return. (जब तक मैं लौटकर न आ जाऊं, यहाँ रुको।)
- UNTIL: More formal and indicates a specific time.
eg: We worked until midnight. (हमने मध्यरात्रि तक काम किया।)
- DURING (के दौरान): Refers to a time period.
eg: She stayed quiet during the meeting. (वह बैठक के दौरान शांत रही।)
- WHILE (जबकि): Refers to a simultaneous action.
eg: He read a book while waiting. (वह इंतजार करते हुए किताब पढ़ रहा था।)
20. ALONG (साथ-साथ, किनारे पर, के साथ)
- Other End (दूसरे छोर तक): Moving from one end to another.
eg: We walked along the beach. (हम समुद्र तट के साथ चले।)
- Side of Something Long (किसी लंबी चीज के किनारे): Refers to a position parallel to something.
eg: Trees grow along the road. (सड़क के साथ पेड़ उगते हैं।)
- Beside Something Long (किसी लंबी चीज के पास): Refers to being next to.
eg: She sat along the fence. (वह बाड़ के पास बैठी।)
21. OFF (अलग, दूर, या विमुक्त)
- Indicates separation, detachment, or distance:
eg: The plane took off at 8 PM. (विमान रात 8 बजे उड़ा।)
- BUT (लेकिन): Indicates contrast.
eg: She is kind but firm. (वह दयालु है लेकिन दृढ़ है।)
- BUT FOR (यदि नहीं होता तो): Implies "if not for."
eg: But for the rain, we would have gone out. (बारिश के कारण, हम बाहर नहीं गए।)
- TO (की ओर): Indicates direction or destination.
eg: She is going to the market. (वह बाजार जा रही है।)
- TOWARDS (की दिशा में): Implies movement in the direction of.
eg: He ran towards the sound. (वह आवाज की ओर दौड़ा।)
24. IN / AFTER
- IN (में): Refers to a time period.
eg: He will finish his work in an hour. (वह एक घंटे में अपना काम खत्म करेगा।)
- AFTER (के बाद): Refers to a time following a specific event.
eg: She arrived after the movie. (वह फिल्म के बाद आई।)
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