Sanjay Sir -

Voice DPP CBSE - 9th | Pratap Sanjay Sir

Voice in English Grammar - Full Sectional Exercise

Exercise - 1

➯ Transform the following sentences into the passive voice:

  1. Do Ram and Shyam do this work?
  2. Does she laugh at you?
  3. Do people grow rice in Bihar?
  4. Did he buy a car?
  5. Did you not solve the problem?
  6. Are you cleaning the room?
  7. Has he finished the work?
  8. Will they repay the money?
  9. Shall I buy a car?
  10. Can he solve it?
  11. Should he look into the matter?
  12. Has he to draw the picture?
  13. Are you to deposit the money?
  14. Could he open the box?
  15. Would you do that?
  16. Did he write you a letter?
  17. Were they to sell their houses?
  18. Did they make fun of him?
  19. Why do you beat her?
  20. Why are you repairing the bicycle?
  21. Where do people speak English?
  22. Why has he broken the chair?
  23. When did they start the project?
  24. Why will she buy a car?
  25. Why can nobody solve it?
  26. When have they to play the match?
  27. When will they examine us?
  28. When will they distribute money among us?
  29. How have we to defeat them?
  30. When had they to record the song?
  31. How did you satisfy everybody?
  32. Why should I promise her a present?
  33. Why did the king not punish the thief?
  34. Should you beat the little child?
  35. When did you recite the lessons?
  36. What do you eat?
  37. What are you reading?
  38. What have they done?
  39. What did he break?
  40. What was he eating?
  41. What will they bring?
  42. What can people do?
  43. What have you to find out?
  44. What are you to teach?
  45. What work can you do?
  46. How many students do you teach?
  47. How many cups have they broken?
  48. How much milk can you drink?
  49. How many books have you to write?
  50. How many times have they insulted you?
  51. Who wrote this poem?
  52. Who has done this?
  53. Who beats you?
  54. Who can tell me a story?
  55. Who will win the prize?
  56. Who is solving this?
  57. Who had insulted you?
  58. Who has to bring the newspaper?
  59. Who is to sing a song?
  60. Who killed the cobra?
  61. Whom do you love?
  62. Which boy broke the glass?
  63. Which girl cheated you?
  64. Does the jug contain milk?
  65. Do you laugh at her?
  66. Why do my habits worry you?
  67. Did they call him a fool?
  68. Should one keep one's promise?
  69. How many days make a week?
  70. Do you want to buy this book?
  71. Did they object to your proposal?
  72. Who is looking into the case?
  73. Why did they give up the search?
  74. How can one bring about the desired result?
  75. Did someone not speak to you?
  76. What did they point out?
  77. What should we insist on?
  78. What are you looking for?
  79. Did anyone ask any question about me?
  80. Who looks after her?
  81. What must we work for?
  82. What ought we to do?
  83. What did he bring in?
  84. What did he tell me to do?
  85. How much do they expect of us?

Exercise -2

➯ Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb given in the brackets (Passive Voice):

  1. This work can ____ in two days. (do)
  2. Rice is ____ in India. (grow)
  3. The boys were ____ the prize. (award)
  4. Hindi is ____ in Bihar. (speak)
  5. He is ____ him. (beat)
  6. It is ____ to me. (know)
  7. Something must ____ for us. (do)
  8. The sweets might have ____ by the boys. (eat)
  9. They have ____ by the chairman. (select)
  10. What can ____? (do)
  11. Why are you ____ by the teachers? (love)
  12. They have ____ her. (teach)
  13. They have been ____ by her. (teach)
  14. He must be ____ to. (listen)
  15. She will be ____ by us. (praise)
  16. She has to be ____ by them. (invite)
  17. What is ____ now by you? (read)
  18. My purse has been ____ (steal)
  19. She can be ____ by us. (help)
  20. What is she ____ in? (interest)
  21. I am sometimes ____ at his behaviour. (vex)
  22. It is time for tea to be ____ (take)
  23. Promises should be ____ (keep)
  24. Why are you ____ at him? (laugh)

Exercise -3

➯ Transform these sentences into the passive voice based on the sense or hidden meaning:

  1. It is impossible to do that.
  2. It is your duty to know how to do it.
  3. I hope to get the prize.
  4. Thirty days make a month.
  5. May the king live long!
  6. The stone feels rough.
  7. Honey tastes sweet.
  8. The milk smells sour.
  9. Your blame counts for nothing.
  10. The drums are beating.
  11. The book is printing.
  12. The cows are milking.
  13. The cannons are firing.
  14. The room needs sweeping.
  15. Alas! We shall see her no more.
  16. May I come in?
  17. Someone reads to the old man every day.
  18. Nobody has slept in this room since 2019.
  19. I would like somebody to read to me.
  20. I hate people laughing at me.


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Exercise - 1 Answers

  1. Is this work done by Ram and Shyam?
  2. Are you laughed at by her?
  3. Is rice grown in Bihar?
  4. Was a car bought by him?
  5. Was the problem not solved by you?
  6. Is the room being cleaned by you?
  7. Has the work been finished by him?
  8. Will the money be repaid by them?
  9. Shall a car be bought by me?
  10. Can it be solved by him?
  11. Should the matter be looked into by him?
  12. Has the picture to be drawn by him?
  13. Is the money to be deposited by you?
  14. Could the box be opened by him?
  15. Would that be done by you?
  16. Was a letter written to you by him?
  17. Were their houses to be sold by them?
  18. Was fun made of him by them?
  19. Why is she beaten by you?
  20. Why is the bicycle being repaired by you?
  21. Where is English spoken?
  22. Why has the chair been broken by him?
  23. When was the project started by them?
  24. Why will a car be bought by her?
  25. Why can it be solved by nobody?
  26. When has the match to be played by them?
  27. When will we be examined by them?
  28. When will money be distributed among us by them?
  29. How have they to be defeated by us?
  30. When had the song to be recorded by them?
  31. How was everybody satisfied by you?
  32. Why should a present be promised to her by me?
  33. Why was the thief not punished by the king?
  34. Should the little child be beaten by you?
  35. When were the lessons recited by you?
  36. What is eaten by you?
  37. What is being read by you?
  38. What has been done by them?
  39. What was broken by him?
  40. What was being eaten by him?
  41. What will be brought by them?
  42. What can be done by people?
  43. What have you to find out?
  44. What are you to teach?
  45. What work can be done by you?
  46. How many students are taught by you?
  47. How many cups have been broken by them?
  48. How much milk can be drunk by you?
  49. How many books have you to write?
  50. How many times have you been insulted by them?
  51. By whom was this poem written?
  52. By whom has this been done?
  53. By whom are you beaten?
  54. By whom can a story be told to me?
  55. By whom will the prize be won?
  56. By whom is this being solved?
  57. By whom had you been insulted?
  58. By whom has the newspaper to be brought?
  59. By whom is a song to be sung?
  60. By whom was the cobra killed?
  61. By whom are you loved?
  62. By which boy was the glass broken?
  63. By which girl were you cheated?
  64. Is milk contained in the jug?
  65. Is she laughed at by you?
  66. Why are you worried by my habits?
  67. Was he called a fool by them?
  68. Should one's promise be kept?
  69. How many days are made a week?
  70. Do you want to buy this book?
  71. Was your proposal objected to by them?
  72. Who is looking into the case?
  73. Why was the search given up by them?
  74. How can the desired result be brought about?
  75. Wasn't someone spoken to by you?
  76. What was pointed out by them?
  77. What should we insist on?
  78. What are you looking for?
  79. Was any question about me asked by anyone?
  80. By whom is she looked after?
  81. What must we work for?
  82. What ought we to do?
  83. What was brought in by him?
  84. What was I told to do by him?
  85. How much is expected of us by them?

Exercise -2

  1. This work can be done in two days.
  2. Rice is grown in India.
  3. The boys were awarded the prize.
  4. Hindi is spoken in Bihar.
  5. He is beaten by him.
  6. It is known to me.
  7. Something must be done for us.
  8. The sweets might have been eaten by the boys.
  9. They have been selected by the chairman.
  10. What can be done?
  11. Why are you loved by the teachers?
  12. They have taught her.
  13. They have been taught by her.
  14. He must be listened to.
  15. She will be praised by us.
  16. She has to be invited by them.
  17. What is being read now by you?
  18. My purse has been stolen.
  19. She can be helped by us.
  20. What is she interested in?
  21. I am sometimes vexed at his behaviour.
  22. It is time for tea to be taken.
  23. Promises should be kept.
  24. Why are you laughed at him?

Exercise -3

  1. That is impossible to be done.
  2. It is your duty to know how it is to be done.
  3. I hope to be awarded the prize.
  4. A month is made by thirty days.
  5. May the king be lived long!
  6. The stone feels rough.
  7. Honey tastes sweet.
  8. The milk smells sour.
  9. Your blame counts for nothing.
  10. The drums are being beaten.
  11. The book is being printed.
  12. The cows are being milked.
  13. The cannons are being fired.
  14. The room needs to be swept.
  15. Alas! She will be seen no more by us.
  16. May I be allowed to come in?
  17. The old man is read to every day by someone.
  18. This room has not been slept in since 2019.
  19. I would like to be read to by somebody.
  20. I hate being laughed at by people.

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